3 easy tips for adding Joy to your world
Living life! It's become a cliche. But that's for a reason. It's true. Today my nephew and my older sister share a birthday. These...
Grief and Loss - Does it ever end?
Between my husband and I, we lost several immediate family members as well as friends and more distant family members within a few short...
Stress & Wellbeing - What's the big deal? Maybe your Life...
An everyday event, encounter or thought can be perceived as a threat by you, psychological or otherwise, and this can trigger fear, which...
What kind of community member are we?
The wider society we live in is made up of individuals, like each of us. The Bhopal gas disaster is marking the 30th anniversary this...
Meditation in prison - what does it do?
I have been having a lot of conversations about meditation recently and that made me share this video. It perhaps gives an insight to the...
The Politics of Food
A bit condescending but interesting nonetheless #Peace
What is success?
Looked for relationship deathbed confessions, got this!
We evolved to be social creatures to give us the greatest chances of survival. Urban-living can challenge that, yet deep satisfaction...
Laughter, the best medicine
We all know laughter is a stress-buster. Chemically, stress flight-or-fight response literally cannot co-exist with laughter chemicals....